Breath Work

Learn The Power of Breath Work



Breathwork is a term used to describe our techniques that involve intentionally altering your breathing pattern to improve all aspects of your health.

At Platinum Pilates our focus is on teaching our clients the three main elements of breathwork so that they can incorporate it into every aspect of their life.

These pillars are:

Biochemistry Of Breath

Biomechanics Of Breath

Psychosomatics Of Breath

This is in effect what we term Functional Breathwork and it is what you will learn in our classes at Platinum.

We incorporate an embodied breathwork program where you use visualisation and awareness to connect with the function of your breathwork system.


The Benefits of Breath Work Include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety: Many types of breathwork involve techniques that can help individuals relax and calm their minds, which may in turn help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Improving sleep: Some people find that breathwork techniques can help them fall asleep more easily, sleep more deeply, and wake up feeling more refreshed.

  • Boosting the immune system: Some research suggests that certain types of breathwork may help to boost the immune system, potentially helping to reduce the risk of illness.

  • Reducing chronic pain: Some people find that breathwork techniques can help to reduce chronic pain, such as back pain or headache.

  • Improving cardiovascular health: Some research suggests that certain types of breathwork may be beneficial for improving cardiovascular health, such as by reducing blood pressure or improving heart rate variability.

  • Enhancing well-being: Many people find that breathwork techniques leave them feeling more relaxed, energized, and focused, which can contribute to a sense of overall well-being.

It is important to note that the specific benefits of breathwork may vary depending on the individual and the specific technique being used.

Some types of breathwork may be more beneficial for certain goals than others, and not all breathwork techniques have been extensively researched.

At Platinum Breathwork – we encourage nose breathing. Nose breathing has several benefits for the body and mind.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Moisturizes and filters the air: When you breathe through your nose, the air is humidified and warmed before it reaches your lungs. This can be especially beneficial in cold, dry climates or during the winter months when indoor heating can dry out the air. Additionally, the nasal passages contain tiny hairs called cilia that help to filter out dust, pollen, and other particles.

  2. Helps to regulate breathing: Nose breathing can also help to regulate your breathing rate, which can be beneficial for people who suffer from asthma or other respiratory conditions. When you breathe through your nose, the air is forced to pass through a smaller opening, which can help to slow down your breathing.

  3. Improves oxygenation: Nose breathing can also help to improve the oxygenation of your blood. When you breathe through your nose, the air is forced to pass through the nasal passages, which contain a network of blood vessels. This allows the air to pick up more oxygen and release more carbon dioxide, which can be beneficial for your overall health.

  4. Relaxes the body: The act of nose breathing has also been shown to have a relaxing effect on the body. Studies have shown that people who breathe through their nose tend to have lower heart rates and blood pressure, which can lead to a more relaxed and calm state.

  5. Enhance cognitive and emotional regulation: Nose breathing has been found to have positive effects on brain function, including cognitive and emotional regulation. Slow, deep nasal breathing has been shown to activate the vagus nerve, which can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

How we teach breathwork:

 Educate – Embodiment – Integration

First, we educate our clients on their function and breathing system.  We believe everyone should understand their biology.  We teach clients how to locate the breathing muscles, how to visualise the systems, and then how to make direct contact with these amazing systems.

 Then we embody - Once our clients have learned this stage, then we teach embodied breathwork.  What does this mean?

Embodied learning is a way of understanding and experiencing the body in a way that emphasizes the role of the physical body in learning and understanding. The idea is that the body and mind are interconnected and that our physical experiences and movements can influence our mental and emotional states.

Expanding the way of understanding: Embodied learning will help our clients understand breathwork concepts in a new way, by creating connections between the mind and physical experience.

 Then we Integrate - Once our clients have mastered the embodiment of breathwork, then we teach them to integrate these new patterns into every aspect of life from exercise, movement, sleeping, working, performance, relationships, and sport.  Breathwork can be used in every single element of life to enhance experience & outcome.


Is breathwork the same thing as mindfulness?

In short answer No they are not the same.

Here is Why-:

Mindfulness and breathwork are closely related practices, but they are not the same thing and we recommend that starting with Breathwork will be of much greater benefit than starting with mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a state of being in which you are present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is often associated with meditation, which can take many forms. Mindfulness can be cultivated by paying attention to different stimuli, like the breath, body sensations, or thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness practices can improve focus, attention, and well-being however clients can struggle to sit with their own thoughts and experience monkey brain which makes the practice hard to adhere to.

Breathwork, on the other hand, is a specific practice that focuses on the breath and how it can be used to improve physical and mental well-being. Breathwork practices can involve different techniques like diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and other specific breathing patterns.

With breathwork, you have to focus on the work of breathing which keeps the mind engaged in the body and helps to quieten thoughts long enough to settle the nervous system and invoke a sense of calm.

Mindfulness and breathwork can be complementary practices. Mindfulness can help one to focus and be aware of their breath, so combining mindfulness with breathwork, creates an even more powerful tool for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Mindfulness can also be applied to different breathwork practices, creating a more meaningful and profound experience.

Our upcoming workshops will be available to book from February 2023

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